Thursday, November 19, 2009

Attention!! or Stand at ease!!

Today I took a record 5 hours to read a 32 page article man!!... It could mean 2 things... either the author was a total nincompoop who actually came up with such a whole lot of randomness or that my attention span is that of a fish... I can go round and round a million times and still find the same point new and novel... or it could mean both at the same time.

Either ways... I so I wish I was a fish in an aquarium... it’s a simple life really... someone will change the water for you, feed you and stare at you for hours so you never let your vanity rest. All you need to do is look pretty and not feast on the plastic pieces that kids like to drop into to the aquarium under the eyes of their parents...

I can’t stand such wicked kids... they remind me of George Bush in his nappy pads... not that I ever saw him in them but I’m sure he still has to wear them... considering how easily he’d get wet at the mention of the word “oil”...

I sometimes wonder what would be of the world if all men were to be so effortlessly excitable... All the top positions would be held by women cos the men would be home, running their pants through a dryer...

But if dryers were to run all the time, it would dry up our energy resources faster than the pants themselves... what will become of Obama’s ethical war against Climate Change...

Ah! That explains why he allowed Shell to dig oil and gas fields in the Arctic... now even if it’s a ghastly step away from his Ethical War... it sure helps him keep his pants dry... After all the odds of not allowing so were almost as bad as a Black-Male... I mean blackmail.

Oh! But I was talking about a 32 page article and look where I’ve come... attention crisis is it!!

1 comment:

  1. oh di u r xceptional!!
    iv always ben a die hard fan of ur sens of humor&uv been a true respctbl figr fr me.i wish u stil remembrd me!!
    anyway i likd dat 'george bush' in his nappies thing and wel..
    men cnt sit at home doin these houshold chores.
    i respct women a lot.a woman is self suficent bt a man needs a woman fr evry litl thing.
    hats off2u women.u r amazin.
    keep writin di.i realy mis u a lot.
    buhbyee n tc
